Design registration

What are the Essential Requirements for the Registration of ‘Design’ under the Designs Act, 2000?

        Design registration can be gotten for any design that is tasteful in nature. Further, to get…

3 years ago

India: Industrial Design Protection In India: The Designs Act, 2000

        The Designs Act, 2000 ("the Act"), is a completed code in itself.  And security under it…

4 years ago

Types of Industrial Design

        Industrial Design insurance is accommodated a shape, arrangement, surface example, shading, or line (or a blend…

4 years ago

What is engineering design?

        Engineering design is the strategy that specialists use to recognize and take care of issues. It…

4 years ago

Design registration – Requirements, eligibility and advantages

    Under Section 2 (d) of the Design Act, design has definition as any feature that has a texture,…

4 years ago

How to do Design registration in Bangalore Maruthi seva nagar?

    Design registration in India has governance by the provisions of the Designs Act, 2000 and the Designs Rules,…

4 years ago

Design registration in Maruthi seva nagar – Bangalore

As per Design Act 2000, all the designs can be registered. Protection for Industrial Design has accommodation for a setup,…

4 years ago